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Speech and Language Therapy

ATtherapy provides a range of speech and language therapy expertise, with specialisms ranging from alternative and augmentative communication (AAC),  motor speech disorders, dysphagia (eating and drinking difficulties), communication difficulties associated with social, emotional and mental health issues, language difficulties and associated difficulties following brain injury.

Through our expert speech and language therapy services, we can develop and enhance an individual’s ability to communicate and help to improve their confidence, social interaction and independence.

Who do we work with?

We support people of all ages with their speech, language, communication and technology needs. We are leading experts in the field of communication difficulties as a result of birth injury and/or acquired brain injury in later life.

What do we offer?

We work in partnership with your team to fully assess and then support and develop communication skills.  We enjoy working as part of a team and will always include your family, carers, significant others and professionals who are involved.

We will provide you with an individual assessment. Following this we provide a bespoke service to meet individual needs.

This may include:

  • individual therapy sessions

  • high-quality written reports

  • programmes of intervention

  • additional resources

  • training and support

  • contributing to multidisciplinary team working

We provide therapy that best meets your needs. This may be at home, school, college or in the community. We are also experienced at providing remote therapy sessions through a range of online platforms.

Our clients

Picture of Owen


Case study

Picture of Cohen


Case study

Picture of Alan


Case study

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